Well the week of Easter celebration has completed with the celebration of the 2nd Sunday of Easter, this past Sunday April 15. We are now on day 42 -- as of Monday, April 16th -- of this prayer campaign and today is Tuesday, April 17th and Day 43.
After having problems with my computer & software and being sick. I (at last) have time and am able to write again. I have been praying though and hopefully you have as well.
This past Sunday, the 2nd Sunday of Easter is also known as "Divine Mercy Sunday". It reminds us of the power of redemption that Jesus has made available, to all who believe, by his sacrifice and death on the cross as payment for our sins, past, present and future.
As the United State mourns for the meaningless loss of innocent life on the Virginia Technical University canpus, let us keep in mind the Divine Mercy of Jesus and pray for a healing of those who lost loved ones in this unfortunate incident. May Jesus grant them peace and comfort in their time of need. May He also grant the United States, as nation, peace and healing.
May God awaken in all of us an awareness of the needs of those around us -- even complete strangers -- especially those who may be isolated and lonely. Let us each be willing to step outside of our 'comfort zones' to reach to out to those who may be in need of comfort and just knowing that someone out there cares about them. May God speak through us what these people need to hear to find peace and comfort in their lives.
Keep praying. God Bless, guide and inspire you!