Thursday, April 19, 2007
Day 44 & 45 Contrast of the Old Covenant With the New Covenant
Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again ...
[2 Corinthians, Chapter 3: 1-18, Second Letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians ]
Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some do, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You are our letter, written on our heats, known and read by all, shown to be letter of Christ administered by us, written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.
Such confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that of ourselves we are qualified to take credit for anything as coming from us; rather, our qualification comes from God, who has indeed qualified us as ministers of a new covenant, not of letter but of spirit; for the letter brings death, but the Spirit gives life.
Contrast With the Old Covenant
Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, was so glorious that the Israelites could not look intently at the face of Moses because of its glory that was going to fade, how much more will the ministry of the Spirit be glorious? For if the ministry of condemnation was glorious, the ministry of righteousness will abound much more in glory. Indeed, what was endowed with glory has come to have no glory in this respect because of the glory that surpasses it. For if what was going to fade was glorious, how much more will what endures be glorious.
Therefore, since we have such hope, we act very boldly and not like Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the Israelites could not look intently at cessation of what was fading. Rather, their thoughts were rendered dull, for to this present day the same veil remains unlifted when they read the old covenant, because through Christ it is taken away. To this day, in fact, whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts, but wherever a person turns to the Lord the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord who is the Spirit.
When you hear on the news that "a series of suicide bombing attacks have killed as many as 173 today", you can feel a bit down. But keep in mind that God gives us (everyone) free will and that change takes time. Also news of what we are praying for will not immediately manifest itself in the mainstream media. So do not loose heart and keep praying.
As I have been praying, it comes to me that those who have received the Spirit and may be in search of God's word and knowledge of his Son, Jesus Christ, may have a hard time laying their hands on the written word of the Bible in their native language. So I am going to look into the possibility of purchasing Bibles, written in different languages, and having them shipped to locations where they could made available to those who want to own a Bible (free of charge). If anyone has any ideas or information about how to do this: please leave a comment, or send us an email at
God Bless and have a Spirit filled day and rest of the week.