I was watching ABC Nightly News yesterday evening (with Elizabeth Vargas), and I nearly – literally! – fell off of my chair when I heard good news coming from the mainstream media about the War in Iraq. I mean, I can't honestly recall the last time that I heard the mainstream media say anything good, or upbeat, about the War in Iraq. Can you?
This news clip was, SADLY, preceded by bad news that a warring faction had immersed 2 suicide bombers within a crowd of Shiite pilgrims making their way to Karbala for an upcoming holy day. The bombers managed to kill at least 100? Pilgrims – I believe the actual numbers, at this point, are still speculation and need to confirmed ... but may God Bless the souls of these innocent people and their loved ones left behind.
After the above story, the tone of the news update on Iraq turned (to me, surprisingly) upbeat, with Elizabeth Vargas saying that despite today’s suicide bombing that people (civilians), in general, felt that things were beginning to look better in Iraq.
The news story closed with a footnote about a military victory, and capturing of a key city -- by Western forces -- in the South, called Sadr. Former attempts to secure this city had failed as it was the strong hold of the anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadrand his guerilla forces. Western forces were quoted as saying that they took the city with relative ease and were surprised by the warm welcome that they received from the Iraqi people there.
Here is a link to the ABC News website, with a related news clip on this story:
The headline reads: "Despite Recent Suicide Bombs, Violence Appears Calmer in Baghdad."
Go check it out for yourself. Obviously, the "words-only" news clip is not as upbeat as the actual newscast was with its actual interviews of Iraqi civilians and U.S. soldiers. But to me: it was the sign I need to continue on with this campaign.
I’d call that an answer to prayers! I know that there is still much prayer that needs to be done, but I feel as if I am not out in left field, and that I’m on the right track with this prayer campaign. Praise God!
Thank you to all of you who have responded to me, via email, that you will pray with me. Thank you for sharing your ideas, concerns, and opinions as well. Your input is truly invaluable! I don’t know for sure how many people are praying with us, but it is at least 2: because we have seen that God is listening.
Someone left a comment asking why 2 months? Well, it seemed like an attainable goal. It may take longer. We’ll have to see where we are at in two months. They also asked if I would pray all day, everyday. Well, as much as I would love to be able to do that: I am but a humble mother of 3 demanding, and energetic, young school age children, and I work from home. I want to be present and engaged in my kids lives – and my husband’s too : ) -- so at this point in my life, I simply can’t do all day everyday. But I do pray often throughout the day, in quiet moments (i.e., on coffee breaks, while getting ready in the morning, sitting in the car waiting to pick up the kids at the end of their school day, etc.). I am also an insomniac, so I try to put the times that I can’t sleep to good use by praying.
In closing, let me say that I know that there are a lot of important issues out there in the world today (i.e., hunger in Africa and other parts of the world, ethnic cleansing in Africa, and cruel, and often violent, treatment and repression of women around the world name a few). I am not saying that the issue of this Prayer Campaign is any more important than that of the other issues out there in the world today. But, I was called to address this particular issue, so that is what I am doing. I do still pray for people in need in other parts of the world, but right now my foremost attention is to this particular issue and this Prayer Campaign.
I also know that the War in Iraq has divided many Americans, but for the sake of this campaign: I would ask that we sincerely try to put politics aside and pray together for the greater good.
God Bless You One and All!
P.S. If you would like to leave a comment to let us know that you are praying with us, it would be greatly appreciated! (Note: I understand the need for privacy, and for that reason: I have allowed you to leave a message, comment or question, as "Anonymous" (meaning no identity). Just click the "Anonymous" button when the comment window pops up.) I am working on a creating a guestbook/petition for people to sign.