Monday, March 5, 2007

PEACE IF We Pray ... Day 1

(Note: there have been some refinements and edits since my original emailing. Please use this version in your emails and calls to others for prayer. Thank you!)

I truly believe in the power in the prayer!

I had trouble sleeping last night. My husband relayed a true story to me that he had heard on talk radio.

The story was about an Islamic family. In this family, one of the brothers raped his biological sister. The brother spent a mere day in jail. The daughter was told that she must have done something to encourage the brother and that she had brought shame on her family.

When it was discovered that the sister who had been raped was pregnant -- as a result of the attack -- the girl's mother went to her and told her that she must end her life. That was the only way to save the family honor -- supposedly. The girl responded that she did not want to die; she wanted to live. So that evening the mother went into the girl's room, while she slept, and suffocated her.

This story really troubled me. One has to wonder if this is the norm in Islamic culture? Is this truly what they believe? Based on things I've read, and heard on news & radio: it would seem that this is the way a very large majority of people of Islamic faith believe -- as with any religion there are, of course, more moderate and also extreme beliefs. But what many of us "Westerners" fail to understand is that this belief system goes back thousands of years, and it is deeply embedded in their culture.

It baffles me how a religion with a belief in a higher power can have such disrespect for human life? How can they allow the laws of men supercede the laws of God?

The sixth commandment, as given to Moses by God, says very clearly that “Though Shall Not Kill.” The tenth commandment says: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Would you have your neighbor kill you? The 10 Commandments, are part of the Old Testament of the Bible, and preceded Jesus. Therefore, I would think that they are not unique to Christian religions alone. Don’t the 10 Commandments apply in Islam?

The 10 Commandments aside: How can any religion believe that a God who created LIFE would take the loss of it so very lightly? Surely God has the power to punish to sinners. He does not need us to do it for Him. Further, it says in the Bible, on numerous occasions: "judge not lest you should be judged."

If a mother can take the life of her daughter, a life that she participated in creating, carried in her womb for nine months, and then cared for and raised for 13++ years, because of the man-made laws of Islam: then is there little hope for us “infidels?” How can we even begin to understand, let alone reason with that kind of obedience and mindset?

We in the U.S., and other parts of the world that profess to be Christians, are not completely blameless when it to comes to disrespecting life either, so I don’t want to throw stones. While we in the “West”, for the most part, do seem to care deeply for our families and those around us who are less fortunate: we still do take the lives of defenseless, unborn children. But, I digress …Anyway, I lay there last night, tossing and turning, and feeling a bit hopeless and wondering what I, personally, could do to help make a difference. And as I lay there, I began to pray to God for some insight.

As I prayed, it occurred to me then that I had been praying for:

1) Our President to make the right, and the hard, decisions with respect to the War in Iraq and the larger War on Terror.
2) For our soldiers in the Middle East and for their families left behind.
3) For the soldiers and civilians who had been killed or injured in Iraq, and for their loved ones.

But I had not prayed for the people of Islamic faith. This was God’s answer to my question: What can I do?

HIS Answer: Earnestly, and diligently, PRAY for a raining down of the HOLY SPIRIT upon all people of Islamic faith. That the HOLY SPIRIT may awaken in them.

That the HOLY SPIRIT may give them newfound insights, and also the strength & courage to question thousands of years of their cultural heritage.

That the HOLY SPIRIT will help those of the Islamic faith to see that many of laws of Islam – particularly those that allow for killing and violence – are the laws of men and not of God.

That they may find a willingness to open their hearts to the possibility that their is good in those of us of Western decent, who are not of the Islamic faith.

That they may come to see that WE ALL are children of God, and that ALL human life is precious and a gift from God.

I will pray also that God provides for the basic physical needs of those in need of such as well (i.e., food, shelter, water, electricity, sanitation, and safety in their own homes and neighborhoods).

So I am going to launch a Prayer Campaign: to Pray For All People of Islamic Faith. I would like to call this Prayer Campaign: “PEACE IF We Pray.”

P – Pray
E – Earnestly
A – for All
C – Children (God’s)
E – of Eastern

I – Islamic
F – Faith

I think our lack of progress in Iraq and the innocent children and civilians that are killed by bombs on the streets of Iraq almost daily have demonstrated that we can't obtain peace and understanding by using logic and reason alone, but with God's grace, maybe we can make a significant impact.

It says in the Bible that "wherever two or more are gathered in my name: there also am I (God)." So let us join together in prayer, as two or more, and lift up our voices for peace and understanding. Amen.

I would be most grateful to anyone who would pray with me. I, myself, will be praying daily for 2 months, but anything that you can do WILL HELP to make a difference.

Please click on the envelope below to send this link, and call to prayer, to your friends and family. And if you would like please leave me a comment (by clicking on the word “comment” or "pencil" icon ) to let myself --and others-- know that you are praying with us. That would be wonderful!

Let’s do this and see if WE can make a difference in this climate of confusion, fear, and violence. Let’s do this to have a better world and to leave a better world for our children and our children’s children. God Bless!


P.S. Please check back periodically for more information & updates and to submit your ideas and comments.

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