Some have asked: why this particular prayer issue? Well ...
1) It is a prayer issue that I don't feel that most, if any, people of prayer are addressing. It is just not in the mainstream thought.
I mean I had been praying and praying for months and a year++, and it wasn't until I asked God -- in my prayer -- what am I not doing in my prayer? What more, or what else can I do? Then, God gave me this answer of prayer.
2) I feel as if God wants me -- and others -- to pray for this. It is an area where change is not likely to come about on its own ... an area where it would take a miracle for change to occur ... and isn't that where prayer comes in? Where God comes in?
3) If change does -- and I have faith that it will -- occur here, as a result of prayer, it may make more people believe in God and in the power of prayer itself.
In closing, take a moment out of your busy day and pray! We all have busy lives and many things to do. It's easy to think, "Well, let someone else worry about prayer: I don't have time." But if you don't, truly, who will?
Sometimes in life, you have to step up the plate and go to bat for what you believe in instead of waiting for others to do it for you. Too many of us just go through the motions of being a good Christian, or follower of God. We attend church on Sundays, and sometimes Wednesdays. We follow all of the traditions and rites of our particular religious affiliation, etc.: isn't that enough?
But you have to ask yourself: "How is my relationship with God? Do I even really have one? Do I talk to God, do I pray to to Him? Not just Ask Him for what I need, but Praise Him for the good in my life? Yield to His will for my life -- or even listen to His will? "
Maybe as we pray, we should be asking for God to come more fully into our lives and show us the ways that we can truly be better stewards of His Love, Grace and Wisdom here on Earth.
Let us pray ( a prayer from my Sunday Missal, for Petecost Sunday):
"Let us pray [in the Spririt who dwells within us] Father of light, from whom every good gift comes, send your Spirit into our lives with the power of a mighty wind, and by the flame of your wisdom open the horizons of our minds.
Loose our tounges to sing your praise in words beyond the power of speech, for without your Spirit man could never raise his voice in words of PEACE or announce the truth that Jesus is Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."
God Bless! Have a great day and keep praying!